
Conference Program

All participants should be presented by oral presentation in English. Each presentation lasts 10-15 minutes. We will provide laptop and other equipments for the presentation. Presenters should copy the PPT to the conference computer before their speech

23 October 2015          Conference Registration
24 October 2015 (AM)     Opening Ceremony & Keynote Presentation
24 October 2015 (PM)     Keynote Presentation
25 October 2015 (AM)     Plenary Sessions
25 October 2015 (PM)     Plenary Sessions & Conference Closing
26 October 2015 (AM)    Technical Tour


2015. 10. 23:上午:会议报到  下午:会议报到
2015. 10. 24:上午:开幕式主题演讲  下午:主题演讲
2015. 10. 25:上午:分组交流  下午:分组交流 闭幕式
2015. 10. 26:上午:工业考察