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  • 1.Please log on the OnlineApplication System from International Students, create an account
  • 2.Fill in Online application form(Upload required documents)
  • 3.Wait for University response
  • 4.Pay the application fee
  • 5.Wait for the admission letter
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Spanish program of BIT takes Spanish language and literature as its main subjects. It gives students a solid foundation in the Spanish language with skilled language application abilities, social interaction knowledge, cultural knowledge of Spanish-speaking countries, and extensive knowledge of other majors. Taking advantage of science and engineering at BIT, this program aims to train students with good literary accomplishment and knowledge of science and engineering majors.

Students from this program are prepared for career opportunities such as research, translation and management in academic fields, foreign affairs, economy and trade, science and technology, culture, and the military.

The core courses of this program include Elementary Spanish, Spanish Listening, Spoken Spanish, Spanish Extensive Reading, Advanced Spanish, Spanish Translation, Spanish Interpretation, Spanish Writing, Spanish Newspaper and Magazine Reading, An Introduction to Spanish-spoken Countries, An Introduction to Latin American Countries, Spanish Society and Culture, and Latin American Culture.