
基于NMR(核磁共振)数据计算蛋白质结构 等系列报告

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2016-03-24



时间: 2016-03-24



“博约学术沙龙”系列报告 (总第 114期)

时  间:   2016年3月24日(星期四)下午3:10
地  点:   中心教学楼610

报告一:博士生报告    时间:15:10-15:40
题  目:基于NMR(核磁共振)数据计算蛋白质结构
报告人:李志诚                   指导老师:赵清
摘要:获得蛋白质分子的三维结构,对理解其物理和化学性质有着至关重要的作用。在生物信息学中,如何有效地确定一个特定蛋白质的三维结构是一类重要的问题。核磁共振(nuclear magnetic resonance,NMR)光谱学方法是测定蛋白质三维结构的最主要方法之一。然而,NMR实验并不能测出所有原子之间的距离,只能得到近距离原子间距(6A之内)。所以要更加准确地恢复一个蛋白质结构必须要利用一些优化算法。矩阵填充方法是解决这一问题的常见方法,它主要是研究如何通过已知的部分矩阵元素来恢复整个矩阵。一般来讲,满足条件的矩阵有无穷多个,但当已知要恢复的矩阵是低秩矩阵时,可以通过优化方法来精确恢复。矩阵填充方法在计算蛋白质结构方面有着广泛地应用。

报告二:博士生报告    时间:15:40-16:10
题  目:Tunable Intrinsic Plasmon Excitation due to the Band Inversion in Topological Materials
报告人:张福如                   指导老师:姚裕贵
摘要:We find that one kind of inverted band structure could enhance the interband correlation leading to an intrinsic strong plasmon excitation, which frequency can be eciently tuned by the external fields. We further point out that its fate and properties can also act as a probe to characterize the topological phases. The effect of band topology on plasmon excitation is numerically demonstrated in magnetically doped topological insulator thin lms, which support the quantum anomalous Hall
(QAH) effect. Therefore, our work shed new light on the potential applications of topological materials in plasmonics.

报告三:博士生报告    时间:16:10-16:40
题  目:Subsystem Dynamics of an Anisotropic Two-Qubit Heisenberg XYZ Chain Coupled Independently to Their Own Environments
报告人: 李磊                指导老师:邹健
摘要:We consider a composite system: an anisotropic two-qubit Heisenberg XYZ chain coupled independently to their own environments. We take one of the qubit as the subsystem and the other qubit as an auxiliary qubit, and then the subsystem we concern can be considered to be coupled to a structured bath (auxiliary qubit + environments). Based on this, we study the non-Markovianity of the subsystem dynamics and show how the subsystem dynamics can be changed by manipulating the intensity of the qubit-qubit couplings or the anisotropy parameter. Moreover, we show how entanglement between the subsystem and the structured bath can be affected by the properties of the structured bath and the magnetic field.