
MAPbBr3的第一性原理研究 等系列报告

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2016-01-26



时间: 2016-01-26



(总第 113期)

时  间:   2015年1月14日(星期四)下午3:10
地  点:   中心教学楼610
报告一:硕士生报告    时间:15:10-15:40
题  目:MAPbBr3的第一性原理研究
报告人:胡香敏                   指导老师: 石丽洁
有机-无机杂化钙钛矿材料家族经过半个世纪的发展逐渐壮大,在场效应晶体管、传感器、LED、太阳电池等方面表现出独特的应用价值。尤其是将 MAPbX3 (MA为甲胺,分子式为CH3NH3,X=Cl, Br, I)应用到太阳电池中,获得了高速的发展,目前其能量转化效率已经达到21%。我们使用VASP软件对MAPbBr3的电子结构和缺陷物理进行了第一性原理研究。 (1)我们在结构优化和电子结构计算之后,分析了它的基本电子性质,发现它属于直接带隙(Eg>2 eV)半导体材料,具有小的电子、空穴有效质量。(2)我们从化学势角度分析了材料稳定存在的热平衡条件,又对MAPbBr3四种晶相中的全部12种本征缺陷的离化能以及形成能进行了计算和分析。我们发现MAPbBr3表现出良好的p型自掺杂特性,难以通过改变合成条件(包括温度条件)或引入外来杂质而获得n型电导。经计算分析,建议采用富Br贫Pb环境以合成缺陷密度小、晶格结构完美的甲胺溴化铅材料。

报告二:硕士生报告    时间:15:40-16:10
题  目:优化参数提高XYZ自旋链中量子关联的品质
报告人:娄乐生                   指导老师: 曾天海

报告三:硕士生报告    时间:16:10-16:40
题  目:基于 Padé 近似对 Cosmography 的可能改进
报告人:  周雅楠                 指导老师: 韦浩
摘要:At the end of the 1990s, the universe was found to go through an accelerated expansion by using type Ia supernovae (SNIa) as standard candle. With the continuous development of astronomical observation, baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) and cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation also demonstrate this point. There are two approach to explain this phenomenon: Dark energy cosmology and the modified gravity. Both dark energy models and modified gravity theories seem to be concent with data, the physical mechanism from which this cosmic speed up originates is still unclear, therefore, we want to find an approach which is model independent to describe the status of universe. Cosmography is used to analyze the dynamics of the universe without postulating any underlying theoretical model, the only assumption is the cosmological principle, i.e. the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric. The standard cosmography is common to expand physical quantities as Taylor series in the cosmological redshift z. Here we are interested in the luminosity distance versue redshift relation. The standard cosmography has some shortcomings: first, the Taylor serious non-convergent at z ≥ 1. Secondly, it could not describe the future of the universe well. Different parameterizations of the redshift variable has been proposed , but they are still not fully applicable. As is known, any function can be expanded by Padé approximation, and it can avoid the divergence problem in the higher-order terms of Taylor expansion. Inspired by the Padé approximant, we propose a new parameterization yβ = z/(1 + βz). Similarly we express the luminosity distance as function of yβ. By using a new Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method-emcee, we compare this yβ-based cosmography with cosmic data which include type Ia supernovae (SN) Union2.1 and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) to constrain model parameters.