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Call for Papers:The Second BIT International Symposium on Space Law

For the purpose of promoting the research and academic exchange on air and space law and policy, as well as the development of the disciplines of air and space law, the Institute of Air and Space Law and Policy, the School of Law at Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), and the National Research Center of Air Traffic Management Law and Standard will hold the Second BIT International Symposium on Space Law in Beijing on November 3-4, 2018. The theme of the symposium is “The Integrated Development of Air and Space and Its Legal Governance”. Related international organizations, government agencies, aerospace enterprises, academic institutions and internationally-renowned scholars will be invited to participate in the symposium.


The themes of the symposium include:

1. Challenges, Opportunities and Coping Strategies for Air and Space Law in the Context of Air and Space Integration

2. Air and Space Security in the Context of Global Governance of Air and Space Integration

3. Regulation of and Legislation on Near Space Application and Sub-Orbital Flight

4. Legal Issues concerning the Detection and Warning of, the Defense against Asteroid and the Exploitation of Asteroid Natural Resources

5. Construction of Small Satellite Constellation and Improvement of International Space Law

6. Regulation of and Legislation on Unmanned Aircraft Systems


If you are interested in participating in the Second BIT International Symposium on Space Law, please send the registration form by email to Dr. Kuan Yang or Ms. Yahan Fan at nationalspacelaw@mylpg.net by September 20, 2018, and your paper by October 20, 2018.


Conference speeches are to be arranged according to the papers of the participants. Selected papers will be published on the Chinese Yearbook of Space Law, or recommended to the Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Science Edition).

See appendix for Registration Form.

(审核:  李寿平)